The Crownarms System
Not just an individual product
Our gear has grown to be what we believe is the most compatible line up of kit that you can use. Using the most universal but sturdy hardware, our gear can be added to nearly every major gear companies' kit, or your can add their stuff to ours. Almost none of our kit is a standalone piece, everything can be attached to something, or have something attached to it.

The Chest Rig
Every shoulder strap can be used on every chest rig or pouch. Every chest rig can have every pouch mollied, velcroed, or buckled to it. Our products are built for endless possibilities, with strength still kept in mind.
The Plate Carrier
Any plate bag can be used with any cummerbund and can even be used with any harness and shoulder pad option we have. Also, many of our pouches, including the big chesty pouch and bino case, can be used like a placard on the front plate bag.