The Super Slick Protectorate
Artikelnummer: 0108
The Super Slick Protectorate is your all purpose duty rig, but now with no velcro on the front and a small zipper pouch in stead of a velcro flap pouch. Inspired by law enforcement, this design is tailored to the needs of those that volunteer for the front lines of citizen protection. While similar to the Pinta Chest Rig, the Protectorate is just a couple inches wider and with MOLLE on the back instead of a normal chest rig's velcro. The MOLLE is seven slots wide to accommodate the sizing of POINT BLANK plate carriers. It will ship with four black malice clips. What really sets this rig apart are the inserts. It ships with a triple rifle placard (for tazers, magazines, radios, or pistols), a single pistol insert (for pistol magazines, flashlights or multitools), a 4x5 inch zipper pouch and a 8x5 inch zipper pouch. The zipper pouch can fit up to a iphone 10 with large otterbox case. Also, the bottom of the pouch has been taken in a bit to reduce dead space at the bottom of the chest rig, below the inserts. Just like all Crownarms rigs, there are eight loops that surround the rig to accommodate pens or chest rig straps. Special colors can be ordered at additional cost and special requests to the inserts are free within reason.
The secondary color would include the 1 inch nylon, the velcro and the zipper color.
All fabrics are MADE IN THE USA by Rockywoods Fabrics or MOS Tactical
This product is made in the great state of Wyoming